Other Helpful Information

Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a Medium?
A Medium is one who acts as the grounding (or medium) between the spiritual and physical realms relaying messages from the spiritual to a particular individual(s). This may include descriptions and messages of departed loved ones and/or messages of guidance from them.
To many, Mediums are known as Spiritualists, who generally have a strong belief in the
Although many Mediums rely solely on Spirit communication clairvoyantly or clairaudiently, it is not uncommon that a Medium may use additional "spiritual" tools, such as tarot, numerology, astrology, runes, crystals, etc. in a reading.
What is the difference between a Medium and a Psychic?
All Mediums are Psychics, but not all Psychics are Mediums - the difference is Spirit Contact.
A private reading is generally 15 or 30 minutes in length. You will encounter a "Spiritualist" type of reading - information of importance from the past, present, and messages of guidance may come through to help direct your future. Since a Medium works with Spirit contact, it is not uncommon that departed loved ones may come through in the reading - sometimes with a description, or even a message of guidance.
At the beginning of a typical reading, the Medium opens with quick prayer. You may be asked for your date of birth, and/or to shuffle a deck of tarot cards. This may or may not be the case, but regardless, always give a Medium your voice. The voice is important to make a strong energy connection. A simple "yes" or "no" is fine - the Medium does not need more than that.
For the first part of the reading, the Medium will pass along the information to you that is coming to him. If a Medium is coming through with some important information, but is uncertain, he may ask you a question for some additional help and to better/further understand, to bring you more clarity.
When it is appropriate to do so, the Medium will have you ask whatever questions or concerns you may have, or to have an open discussion; the relationship between the Medium and yourself is treated with the greatest confidentiality. Please feel free to ask about departed loved ones, if they did not come through in the first part of the reading.
If requested, an astrological consultation/reading may be available (15 or 30 minutes). This is handled differently than a typical reading. Please be sure to have your date of birth, location of birth, and the exact time (to the closest minute). If at all possible, be sure to bring a print-out of your Natal Chart - Natal Charts are usually not printed out at a fair.
Informative Websites and Contacts:
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